Happy New Year! It’s that time when we set new goals, especially to improve our health. Many of us make weight-loss resolutions at the beginning of the year, and we start the new year off with lots of motivation…but we can often lose steam after a few weeks.
We gathered together nine renowned health experts to share their number one tip for maintaining weight loss resolutions right through the year (not just in January!).
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Check out these amazing tips & make 2016 the year you get the body you always wanted!

Sometimes people are discouraged when they are only losing a few pounds over the months. But remember that your shape can change faster than the numbers on the scale.
To lose weight, remember that decreasing inflammation is key – try to focus on eating more of those foods like: oatmeal, greek style yogurt, peppers, kale, almonds, and water.
Exercise should be a daily matter. Better to do something for 10-30 minutes everyday than to workout 60-90 minutes 2-3 times per week.
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Andrea Metcalf | AndreaMetcalf.com

Jeanette Bronée from Path for Life

Often when people are trying to lose weight they focus on a far away number instead of the shaping of the small behaviors on a regular basis that leads up to the long term goal. For example, with exercise focus on creating a daily or weekly schedule of exercise. Don’t just go to the gym and hope for the best. Plan out what you will do or hire a professional to help keep you accountable, but keep it to just a daily or weekly goal so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by the long term process.
Additionally, I would highly recommend using a reflection log after each workout or a week’s worth of workouts. This will keep you in touch with how you are feeling during the process. You can look at it regularly and see what you were doing that made you feel energized during a particular day or week of exercise.
Darian Parker | LinkedIn Profile

Kris Gunnars from Authority Nutrition

Check in regularly (I suggest a weekly inventory) to see how you have been doing, what got in the way and see what you might need to adjust. After you’ve reached your goal, continue to check in every month or so to make sure you are still on track and maintaining those healthy habits!
If you have slipped a little bit that’s okay, just do another inventory to figure out why and check in more frequently until you are back where you want to be. It’s a continual process – but the journey to health is worth it!
Brittany Poulson from Your Choice Nutrition

Laura London from Laura London Fitness

Fat helps heal the inflammation in our body, along with giving you energy and brain power. It also helps keep our blood sugar levels stable, which is super important with a weight loss goal. It is about time to change the way we think about fat and overcome our unhealthy fear of it.”
Cassie Bjork from Healthy Simple Life

For weight loss seekers who have damaged metabolisms after being caught up in the yo-yo dieting trap, or who are already eating in a caloric deficit but are still stuck at a fat loss plateau, the hormonal balance piece of the puzzle becomes even more important.
Kate Horney from Do Fitness Better